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Dragonwings Bookstore Fun for Kids Waupaca, WI Ladybug Girl at the Beach

Ladybug Girl at the Beach

by David Soman and Jacky Davis
Ladybug Girl, Lulu, and her dog, Bingo, are back and this time they are on the way to the beach – which Lulu knows she’ll love! When she gets there, however, she’s not so sure about those big waves and those huge roaring sounds. Bingo barks at the wave because he’s not so sure about the water any more, either. That’s ok since they really came to the beach to build sand castles, fly Lulu’s kite, and eat ice cream. But then the ocean tries to steal her favorite purple pail! This a job for Ladybug Girl! A fun story about a beautiful day at the beach as well as over coming your fears. Lula and Bingo are wonderful characters to meet if you’ve never been introduced before. Happy reading!

Jun 22, 2010 | Category: book-reviews | Comments: none | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,


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