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Art Class

Take an Art Class with visiting artist Brian Strassburg!

On Saturday, November 7 Brian Strassburg will be in town for a gallery show of his unique art boxes at Originals Gallery. He will also bring some of his pieces to an Art Class at Dragonwings, where he will show us how he constructed them and share some techniques.

Each of Brian’s art boxes uses mixed-media, 3-D elements, and collage to illustrate a theme, a story, a famous personality, or even a letter of the alphabet. Unique and quirky, unlike anything we’ve ever seen before, these boxes are guaranteed to inspire kids to create an amazing box filled with art from their own imagination. Once they know how, they could make art boxes for holiday decorations, for gifts, as a scout project etc.

Art Class with a Visiting Artist
Saturday, November 7
3:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Ages 9 and up

Fee: $7.50 includes all supplies
Registration: 715-256-9186

Oct 28, 2009 | Category: Activities | Comments: none | Tags: , , , , , , , ,


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