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Welcome to the Dragonwings Bookstore Blog!

Our favorite books (new and old), fun new products, upcoming store events, Waupaca activities, author visits, Waupaca school district events and more. Comments, share, and visit often!

I Spy Games

You are invited to play this week’s I Spy Cats and Dogs game, which will be set up throughout Dragonwings Bookstore beginning on Saturday, June 28. The I Spy games are free, open-house-style events, which can be played anytime during Dragonwings open hours. Summer: 10 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday and 10 AM [...]

Read More » | June 26, 2008 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: none | Tags: , , , ,

I Spy Treasure Hunt at Dragonwings

I Spy Treasure HuntSaturday May 24Free Event – Open all day On Saturday May 24 Dragonwings Bookstore will host an I Spy Treasure Hunt. Look for I Spy games throughout the store, some of the games will be easy to find, like the big I Spy posters, others will be more hidden. Part of the [...]
