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We are celebrating 16 years as a local, independent bookstore in Waupaca.  Former teen staff members now come in married with children of their own: Dan Bootz with Esme and Lulu, Eliza Schultz with Mina, Heidi Draeger with Tyler and Kaleb.

Our longtime storefront manager extraordinaire, Rev. Deb Woolsey, is now the pastor of an Episcopal parish near Milwaukee, Blair Rathjen is now a Physician’s Assistant right here in Waupaca, Brynn Rathjen leaves tomorrow to travel around the world, Angie Harrington will soon be a new mother,and  Kathleen Lehman is a university Physics Dept. librarian.

Do you remember our first employees Maggie Woodside and Susan Gigot-Klein? And how about our longest employee, our son Jackson Klein,who will soon be sailing down the Mississippi, into the Gulf and beyond with his wonderful fiance, Cayetana Polanco, on their new sailboat.

Cayetana and Jackson aboard their new sailboat.

A million thanks to all of you, our current staff – Joanne Kennedy and Amy Hussin – and our many other excellent former staff.  Never has a store been as fortunate as Dragonwings, with one amazing person after another moving through our staff roster over the years.

Aug 30, 2011 | Category: Blog, Fun Photos, Jackson, News | Comments: none
